Stake from Yoroi Wallet

This guide explains how to start delegating ADA (Cardano) and earning rewards with the official full node Yoroi wallet.

  • Step 1

    You need to have ADA balance in your daedlaus wallet to delegate them to the stake pool.

  • Step 2

    Click on the network icon in the left side panel to open the Delegation centre.

  • Step 3

    Select the wallet which holds the ADA you wish to delegate to a stake pool and click the Delegate button

  • Step 4

    The dialogue window will appear where you will be prompted with steps you need to go through. Click Continue.

  • Step 5

    Choose a wallet with funds you want to delegate and click Continue.

  • Step 6

    Choose a wallet with funds you want to delegate and click Continue.

  • Step 7

    Search the “Unique Staking” pool ticker if you want to delegate to Unique Staking Validator stake pool, select and click Continue.

  • Step 8

    Enter your spending password, confirm the delegation and enjoy rewards.

  • Step 9

    Enter your spending password, confirm the delegation and enjoy rewards.

  • Step 10

    Enter your spending password, confirm the delegation and enjoy rewards.

  • Step 11

    Enter your spending password, confirm the delegation and enjoy rewards.

  • Step 12

    Enter your spending password, confirm the delegation and enjoy rewards.

  • Step 13

    Enter your spending password, confirm the delegation and enjoy rewards.

  • Step 14

    Enter your spending password, confirm the delegation and enjoy rewards.

  • Step 15

    Enter your spending password, confirm the delegation and enjoy rewards.

  • Step 16

    Enter your spending password, confirm the delegation and enjoy rewards.

  • Step 17

    Enter your spending password, confirm the delegation and enjoy rewards.

  • Step 18

    Enter your spending password, confirm the delegation and enjoy rewards.

  • Step 19

    Enter your spending password, confirm the delegation and enjoy rewards.

  • Step 20

    Enter your spending password, confirm the delegation and enjoy rewards.


Please keep in mind that your delegation will be counted three epochs later. Each epoch is exactly five days long. Therefore, you will begin receiving staking rewards after 15 days. You can track rewards under the Rewards tab.
